
Wellcome to
Little Children Day Homes

Little Children Day Homes a warm place to learn...

Our Services

Regular Childcare Hours

Childcare provided during the day between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. It could be Casual Childcare by hour, Part-time or Full-time care.

Extended Childcare Hours

Childcare provided in the evening between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., on weekend, or Holidays

Daily Meals & Snacks

We serve meals and snacks at appropriate times, in sufficient quantities, and in accordance with the food guide recognized by Health Canada or Alberta Health, and in accordance with each child’s needs including allergies and special diets.


Transportation and Outings

Outings are an integral part of the day home program. They provide experiences for children; Parents also are welcome to enjoy these field trips with their child

Early Learning and development Activities

We offer a safe, bright, and inspiring environment where we are committed to providing opportunities to learn and develop physical, intellectual, social, emotional, and spiritual skills through the application Learning through play Method.

Day Home Consultant

Supporting family day home educators through training, consultation, information sharing, and problem-solving during home visits or other contacts.

Meet Our Staff


Little children day homes is a great place to have my children!

Freddy Perez Joseph Perez’s Father

Little Children Day Homes takes care of my child like i take

MARIBEL GOMEZ Andres’s Father

Little Children Day Homes is really a home for my daughter.

Mary Lopez Claudia’s Father

Little Children is the best place for my son.

Hector Hernandez Juan Miguel’s Father

Some Fun Facts

Events Held
happy funs
happy Clients
hours support

Pricing Table

Drop-in – Casual Care

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  • 1 Snack/Day
  • 3 Hours/Day
  • Learning Activities
  • Development Activities
  • Fees may change on extended hours and availability subject to spots available at the time.

    • 7.5 Per Hour


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  • 2 Meals-Snack/Day
  • 50-100 Hours/Month
  • Learning Activities
  • Development Activities
  • Outings

Fees may change on extended hours.

  • 580.0 Per Month


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  • 3 Meals-Snack/Day
  • 100-180 Hour/Month
  • Learning Activities
  • Development Activities
  • Transportation & Outings

Fees may change on extended hours.

  • 680.0 Per Month